Match Result from 16/02:

Wandering Dragons 2  1-5  Edinburgh 1

Richard Kynoch  0-1  Neil Berry

Jim O’Neil  0-1  Sebastian Gattenloehner

Ewan Taylor  0-1  Andrew Green

Donald Heron  0-1  Clement Sreeves

Richard Carter  0.5-0.5  Hugh Brechin

Chris Donkin  0.5-0.5  Daniel McGowan

The 1st Team move to within 2 points (with 2 matches remaining) of retaining the Premier title following this convincing victory.

Match played at Loanhead, Tuesday 9th February:

                    Pentland Hills 2   0-6   Edinburgh 3

                    Roy Ramsey                0-1    Lindsay McGregor

                    Jim Kilgour                  0-1    Colin Hutchison

                    Lindsay Ridland         0-1    John Smith

                    Terry Purkins              0-1    Mark Sanderson

                    Roy Fenoulhet            0-1    Shivan Murdochy

                    Andrew Clarke            0-1    David Cubitt

The top of Division 2, after 7 matches played:   1.  Edinburgh 3    14 pts,   2. Bank of Scotland 1   12,   3. Corstorphine 1   6.

Edinburgh Chess Club Championship 2010 – Entry Form

Attached is an entry form for the 2010 Club Championships, which is running in a knockout format for the 2nd year.

If you are looking for a challenge after the league season is complete then this is the right competition for you.

If you would like to enter, contact me with your Name, Chess Scotland PNUM, and contact phone number (full details in Entry Form)

Flyers will also be available at the club (for those without the internet). Please spread the word about this club event, so that we get as many entrants as possible.

Andy Masters

The Perth 800 International Chess Festival took place on January 29-31.  I made the number of players from the club present to be 14 –  apologies if I missed anyone!  Pride of place must go to Tiger Cub Sam Gregory who shared second place in the Challengers event, and first team member  Clement Sreeves won the junior prize in the International Open.

A full list of results and a report can be found at
