Raghuram Parasur wins the Balerno Trophy

Many congratulations to club member Raghuram Parasur, who plays for the Tiger Cubs, on being awarded the Balerno Trophy for the highest rise in grading over a season.

His grade last year was 742, but has risen an astonishing 1052 points to 1794.  Of the 14 games he played in this period he won 13 and drew 1.

The previous record in the Edinburgh leagues was held by our own Freddy Waldhausen Gordon.

To put his rise in perspective, a certain Magnus Carlsen, in the year he got his first coach, rose from 904 to 1907 Elo, a rise of merely 1003 points.

So no pressure Raghuram 😉 but we all look forward to seeing you continue to improve. Very well done.

Raghuram receiving a prize at a junior event earlier this year
Raghuram receiving a prize at a junior event earlier this year

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