Category Archives: Tournaments

Dear Challengers Players,

The uncontested winner for this year’s edition of the Challengers is…
Snorri Kristjansson !!


Some other great displays and performances, with some major upsets.

I hope you enjoyed the tournament. Please send me your own comments and suggestions. I’ll be taking them in into account to organise the next season, hoping to improve the overall experience e.g.:

  • Start a bit earlier in the season;
  • Provide extra time to play during holiday seasons / school breaks;
  • Better system to communicate results and arrange matches;
  • Arrange 2x dates at the club for recommended play from the start;
  • More systematic updates to the site;
  • More frequent updates for live rating!

Please add your own in the comments below!

Cheers to all, and see you around!

Andre Antunes, Tournament Organiser

Club Blitz 2024 Championship
The end of season blitz tournament was again ably run by Andre on Tuesday 18th June over 10 rounds.

William Bennett being congratulated by everyone after winning!

The competition was contested by 19 players with the trophy (to be formally presented at the AGM in September) finally being won by recently returned club member (and Club Medallist in past years) William Bennett who achieved a score of 9/10.

William vs Ivar

William was closely chased into second place by Andre with a score of 8.5/10 and Graham took 3rd place from Findlay on a tie-break with both scoring of 7/10.

Andre vs Graham

A great time was had by all – an excellent evening.

Dear Challengers Players,

Thank you everyone for your participation in this year’s Challengers tournament!

The uncontested winner is Bob Kane, with a total of 6 points out of 7. Congratulations!  Bob will get a spot guaranteed in next season’s Championship, together with the 7 top players of the club.

Full standing in attachment and cross-table at the end of the report.

Please let me know if there are any mistakes.  If not, I’ll submit the results for the last two round for next season’s grading (the previous rounds have been submitted already)

Feel free to send be an feedback about the tournament, and things you would like to see improved/changed for next season.

This year we started a bit late, dragging the competition well into Summer. Next season we will be starting the competitions on the 1st of December, allowing roughly 1 month for each round.

A possibility is to change the time control to 90 min + 30 seconds per move. This would avoid the awkwardness of extreme time trouble while trying to annotate at the end of some games. Let me know how you would feel about it , or anything else.

Best regards,

Andre Antunes, Tournament Administrator

Winner of the 2022-2023 Johnny Marr Allegro championship, Snorri Kristjansson, being presented with the trophy by Council member and tournament organiser, Raj Bhopal. Directly behind the trophy is the plaque honouring Johnny Marr.

On Sunday 25th of June 2023, 24 players battled for the Johnny Marr Trophy for the allegro championship, played with 25 minutes on the clock each and 5 games.

It was tough day for his opponents as Snorri Kristjannson was on form winning with hundred percent score, ahead of our very impressive junior, Rithvik Deepak (4/5), Berislav Marusic (4/4), and Pavlo Sokolenko (3.5/4).

Participants in the Johnny Marr tournament including the junior members who were very impressive both by their standard of play and their sportsmanship.

The full cross-table of results:

Report on the Allegro Championships by organiser Raj Bhopal

Winner Of the Edinburgh Chess Club Lightning Championship 2022/3, Petros Wallden, being presented with the trophy by council member and tournament organiser Raj Bhopal

On Tuesday 20th of June 2023, our club rooms were humming with a mixture of excitement and concentration as 24 players battled for the historical trophy for the lightning championship, played with five minutes on the clock each and 7 games.

It was a close battle with Petros Wallden winning with 6.5/7, ahead of Craig Thomson, (5.5/7), Raj Bhopal (5/7) and world under-eight years blitz champion, Louis Cheng (5/7) in fourth place.

Participants in the 2022/3 Edinburgh Chess Club Lightning Championship

The full cross-table of results:

Report by organiser Raj Bhopal


Wednesday 15th To Sunday 19th February 2023

As part of its bicentenary celebrations Edinburgh Chess Club is hosting the “She Plays To Win” (SPTW) chess tournament, being organised by International Master Lorin D’Costa, promoting the attainment of Woman International Master (WIM) norms.

This is an invitational 10 player WIM all-play-all (double rounds at 10am and 3pm with on Sunday one final game).  There is a stellar international competitors list:






Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant

Edinburgh based Grand Master Ketevan (Keti) Arakhamia-Grant, is one of Scotland’s leading players having participated in eleven chess Olympiads representing first USSR, then Georgia and finally Scotland and who has won the Scottish Open Championship 3 times

Two of Slovakia’s top women players: Woman International Master (WIM) Svetlana Sucikova, currently undertaking her research work in Scotland, and Woman FIDE Master (WFM) Monika Rojickova




Svetlana Sucikova

Fiona Steil-Antoni

Luxembourg WIM chess player, chess YouTube streamer and commentator Fiona Steil-Antoni
Dutch WFM Maaike Keetman, who is also vice president of content (and author!) for Chessable

Maaike Keetman







Louise Head           Zoe Varney           Kamila   Hryshchenko

A strong contingent of English players including WFM and English Women’s Chess Champion (in 2017, 2019 and 2021) Louise Head, who is currently undertaking her doctorate at Edinburgh University, along with Kamila Hryshchenko, who was part of the GB team at the World Congress of Chess Composition 2022 in Fujairah, and Woman Candidate Master (WCM) Zoe Varney, who was the English U20 Woman Champion in 2019


From Andorra WFM Andrea Henderson De La Fuente is competing




Andrea Henderson De La Fuente


                                                                  Suzie Cooke


Last but not least is Suzie Cooke who is also one of Scotland’s top players and who represented Scotland at the recent Olympiads in Chennai

We have the pairings now for the tournament and the first-round draw is:

The remaining draw can be found at (see

A FIDE all-play-all Challengers event is also being run in parallel with players from England, India and Scotland.  Arbiters are International Arbiter Alex McFarlane and FIDE Arbiter David Clayton.

The event is also being supported by Chess Scotland.

SPTW is a UK Girls Chess Project to try and encourage more girls to participate and learn chess in a fun environment.  SPTW is run by the current England International Women’s Chess Coach Lorin D’Costa who has successfully been coaching girls’ chess nationally and internationally for over 11 years.

Further details are on both the club’s web site ( and Chess Scotland’s web site (