Category Archives: News

Advance notice that the club is planning to offer for sale the first batch of its surplus magazines and other publications in an auction which is to be held by Thomas Roddick on Thursday 7th April at 11.30am at their Carlisle saleroom.

Further details will be available much nearer the time when illustrated catalogues will be available on line at and live online bidding will be available via and

To whet your appetite the magazines on offer include:

  • Bound volumes of early rare magazines such as Volume 1 of the Chess Chronicle (published in 1841), which became the first successful English-language chess magazine, and a bound copy of Volume 1 of The Chess Monthly (published in 1879-80);
  • Many other bound volumes and single issues of old magazines such as The Chess Amateur, Chess Pie, The Chess Monthly: “Suum Cuique”, Chess Chronicle, The Chess Monthly
  • Many bound and unbound volumes of long running publications such as Chess (Sutton Coldfield), British Chess Magazine, both Scottish Chess and its predecessor the Scottish Chess Bulletin;
  • Some foreign language magazines such as Shakhmatnyi Bulleten;
  • Recent unbound volumes and single issues of modern magazines such as King Pin and New In Chess;
  • And last, but not least, a bundle of Edinburgh Chess Club’s own magazine Capital (Capatal) Chess!

Further details can be obtained from Ian Whittaker, Curator (curator @

Donna Officer, mother of  Woman’s FIDE Master Amy Officer who was Scottish Girl Player of 2006, has kindly donated two large boxes of chess magazines to the club’s library (some originating from John Glendinning).

The boxes contained issues of:

British Chess Magazine (covering the period January 1959 through to December 1994);


Chess (from  May 1965 through to April 1985);


and have helped fill in a number of gaps in the library’s collections.

Also in the boxes were publications from the Manila Olympiad 1992 including the Souvenir Programme, daily Bulletins and the Tournament Book (which includes a record of every game played!).


Once catalogued any duplicate issues will be either donated to junior players or sold to support the club’s chess playing activities.

Many thanks again to Donna (and John)!

Dear Online Championship Players,

Paul Roberts is leading with 4 points, with three chasing players 1 points behind!

We are now proceeding to the final round (5) and pairings have been sent out –  please contact your opponent and arrange a convenient time/date to play.   Once you finish please let me (Andre) know the result.

Enjoy your games!

Andre Antunes, Tournament Director

Dear Club Member

Please see the note below from Ian Whittaker on a great coaching offer:


As we approach the relaxation of lockdown and the possibility of OTB chess, we are delighted that GM Keti Arakhamia-Grant has agreed to lead a coaching programme to get players ready for battle!

Keti will run a series of 2-hour interactive evening weekly sessions on Monday nights for 5 weeks – on the Lichess platform and using Zoom initially but with the potential for face-to-face sessions in the club if at all possible. She will present an interactive lecture introducing the study theme, followed by “homework” for the following week. The homework is to be sent back to Keti individually and she will give feedback in the week between the sessions.

All participants need to have an account on Lichess, which is free and easy to register with, and the combination of Zoom and Lichess works well. If everyone is agreeable, we will also record the sessions – which is a useful option especially if someone is not able to attend any of the sessions, however it will only be made available to the participants for the period of the course.

In order to support this initiative, we would charge £40 for the 5 sessions and we need to get a minimum of 10 players to sign up – please can you advise Ian Whittaker ( asap if you are interested and wish to join in.

Once we have enough people signed up we will launch the coaching sessions with Keti!


This week’s Chess Events (7.45pm start):

Best wishes,