Category Archives: Club events

Club Blitz 2019 Championship

The end of season blitz tournament was ably run by Andre on Tuesday 18th June over 7 rounds. Raj, with supplemental assistance from David, ensured that we all were all well acquainted with the blitz rules (which enabled me to swindle a win against Keith in a totally lost position!).

The competition was contested by 19 players with the trophy (to be presented at the AGM in September) finally being won by Club President Neil who achieved an unbeaten score of 6.5/7.

Neil was closely chased into second place with a score of 5.5/7 by visitor Andy (now based in Washington DC but originally from Chicago). I had quickly lost my way playing the Benko Gambit against him ….. perhaps retribution for walking off with Andy’s home town trophy way back in 1988 (run by Chicago Lawn Chess Association)!?!?

Petros took 3rd place with a score of 5/7.

A great time was had by all – an excellent evening.

Unfortunately 2018 reigning champion Sergio Bermudez was unable to participate this year – but here’s belated recognition of his win last year:

Next week sees the first evening of the club’s Johnny Marr Allegro championship (currently held by David Sime).

The first three rounds will take place on Tuesday, 16 April, and the second three rounds on Tuesday, 30 April. Ideally, entrants would play all six rounds but if that is not possible you are welcome to play on one of the two evenings. The time control will be 25 minutes with a two second increment for each move.The games will be rated.

If you intend to play, and have not already done so, please send your name and your grading (for Allegro if you have one and the normal time control grading if you do not) to Neil Berry before 9 PM on Sunday, 14 April.

If you are unable to make a decision on playing in advance, please arrive on each night by 7:25 PM at the latest, so you can be registered. The games will start at 7:45 PM or earlier if we are all assembled and ready. We expect to finish at 10:30 PM on each of the two nights.